SP2637AF is a high perfomance offline PSR pβower switch for low power★♥•ε AC/DC charger and adapter applications. It ope×₹λrates in primary-side ε∏ sensing and regulation.Thus, opto-coupler and≥ ↓€ TL431 are not required. In CC control, the o↓★utput current and power setting c•≤an be adjusted extemally by the sense re♥>sistor Rcs at CS PIN. In CV contro φ∞"l,multi-mode operations are utilized tλα✘o achieve high performα✔×"ance and high efficiency. In addition'✔, good load regulati€€↑on is achieved by the built-αα'÷in cable drop compensation. SP2637AF opera₩"•≠tes in PFM in CC mode, and it operates≥¶ ₹ in PWM+PFM in CV mode with frequency reducti∏$"on at light/medium load. The chip cons♠♥←umes very low operation current. It achieve≈βs less than 75mW standby power to meet all globalΩ&• energy efficiency regula¶β÷tions. SP2637AF offers comprehe®₽®€nsive protection coverage with auto-recovery ♠±πfeature including Cyc✔' ™le-by-Cycle current limiting, VDD •&over voltage protection (OVP),FB oveδ↓∑↕r voltage protection,loa d short circuit protection, VDΩ↔β₹D under voltage lockout (UVLO), OTP♠σ∑ etc. SP2637AF is offered in SOP8 packages.