SP2689FC is a high performance offline PS≈•R power switch for low power AC/DC chε♣↔≥arger and adapter applicatio∑≤>ns. Using 3D packaging technology,♥←♣← integrated 7A650V MOSFET in the SOP8 package.₹₹It operates in primary-side sensing andγ≠ regulation. Thus, op≤Ωto-coupler and TL431 ar ™α<e not required. In CC control, the output↕' current and power seπtting can be adjusted externally byα€®¶ the sense resistor R ≠®cs at CS PIN. In CV control, multi-mode operatiσβons are utilized to achieve ±☆high performance and high efficiency. In addφ★♠★ition,good load regulation is achiev ¶¥∏ed by the built-in cable drop coγ↕£♣mpensation. SP2689FCoperates in 'π>↓PFM in CC mode. and it operates in PWε"✔¥M+PFM in CV mode with frequency reduction at lig↓€ht/medium load. The chip consumes very low operat♠λ₩ ion current. It achieves less than 75m↓>W standby power to meet ✔♦∞all global energy effic$←βiency regulations. SP2689FC offers comprehens↔ ive protection coverage with ™≈auto-recovery feature including Cycle-by-Cycle $☆' current limiting, VDD over voltage protection (δ∑∑ OVP), FB over voltage p§♦≤>rotection, load short circuit protection, VDD≈γ♦↑ under voltage lockout (UVLO), OT≈♥¶δPetc. SP2689FC is offered in SOP8 '®packages.
(1)Small Power Adapter (2)Cell Ph←π>↓one Charger (3) Digital Cγ₩→>ameras Charger (4)Linear Regulator↔€¥/RCC Replacement