General Description SP6502FL is a smΩ art secondary-side switch IC designed for iso€←lated fly-back system. T←•&×he IC emulate the be♠ havior of Schottky diode rect↕£®σifier for reduces pow'♠★≈er dissipation. SP650'₹₩2FL works in DCM and CrCM operation mo¥∏Ωdes. Ruggedness and noise i↕✔mmunity are accomplished using an advanc§♦ed blanking scheme and double-pulse suppr∞¶ession which allow reliable operation in all op∏≠™erating modes. SP650∞≤€2FL senses the build-in MOS∑πFET drain-source voltage, and output ideal driv→πe signal with less external components. It↓÷↓ only provides high perfomance §δ↑solution for 5V output→♠ voltage application.
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