采用(yòng)ERP系統管理(lǐ),更專業(yè)化( α←huà)
The SP1259HN is a synchronous buck converter£ "with output current to Ω4.8A.It is designed to allow f×→ε→oroperating a wide supply v∏λ×oltage range from 9V to36V. The external shutdo±wn function can becontrolled by logic level to>σ™ pull COMP/EN pin down,and then cδ¶omes into standby mode. The external
compensation makes feedback co'€ntrol have good lineand l£±oad regulation with flexibl♦§e external design.The SP1259HN ope≤βrates in the CC(Constantoutput₽¥ Current) mode or CV(Constant outpu☆¥t Voltage)mode, and the OCP current ≈γvalue is set by currentsensing resisters.The $♠SP1259HN is suitable for the≠ DC/DCswitching power applications wh∑Ωen requested thecurr✔₹∞ent limit function. The devices are availaβ"±ble inQFN20L-5×5 package and require<©β very few externaldevices for operation.
(1)Car Chargers (2)Portable Charg€Ω↕er Devices (3)General-Purpose DC/DC Conλ verters with Current L λ↔imit