SP6669P is a high performance multi-mode(QR/ €λCCM)PWM controller for flyback converter.γ The chip consumes v¶'ery low start-up and operat&₩↑ion current. It achieve<>s less than 75mW standby po©λwer to meet strict standby power standard. S↔ P6669P offers comprehensive protection coverage£< with auto-recovery feature incl ≈₹uding Cycle-by-Cycle current ☆¶™limiting, Diode Short Protection, Output ove¥∞"r voltage protection, VDD over voltage ≥δλprotection(OVP),feedback loop ope™α♠n protection,load shoσ₽rt circuit protectio ∞ n, VDD under voltage locδβkout with hysteresis (UVLO), Brow©'n-out and Line-ovp function.÷↓ SP6669P is offered in DIP7 packages.