SP6669P is a high pe♥>rformance multi-mode(QR/CCM)PWM control≠→ler for flyback convertα↕±er. The chip consumes ver∞×→πy low start-up and o∑₹peration current. It achieves less th®$Ω>an 75mW standby power to mee☆×₽φt strict standby power standard. <<SP6669P offers comprehensive protection cover✘δ§"age with auto-recovery feature including Cycl±∞•∑e-by-Cycle current limiting, Diode Short P≥<rotection, Output over voltage pr₹•≥αotection, VDD over voltage protection(Oσ→λVP),feedback loop open prot£ection,load short circuit prote←♣>ction, VDD under voltage locko ≥& ut with hysteresis (UVLO), Brown-out and Line-Ωγovp function. SP6669P is★₹₩≥ offered in DIP7 packages.