采用(yòng)ERP系統管理(lǐ),更專 &€™業(yè)化(huà)
SP2637AF is a high peπ↔rfomance offline PSR power sw∏♣itch for low power AC/DC charger and adapter€♣ applications. It operates inγφ♠π primary-side sensing •εγβand regulation.Thus, opto-coupler an• βd TL431 are not required∞¶. In CC control, the output Ω÷ current and power setting can be adjusted e≠xtemally by the sense resistor Rcs ☆♠€at CS PIN. In CV control•≤ ,multi-mode operations are ∞<utilized to achieve high performance®↔® and high efficiency. In additi↕&on, good load regulation is achieved by the"¥✔₹ built-in cable drop compensation. SP2637A&≥F operates in PFM in CC mode, and it oper₹λates in PWM+PFM in CV mode with freque&≤ncy reduction at light/medium load. λ☆The chip consumes very low operation curr$✔'ent. It achieves less t✘ φ¥han 75mW standby power tπo meet all global energy efficiency regulatδ αions. SP2637AF offers comprehensive protectio¶λ≈£n coverage with auto-r↕" ≠ecovery feature including Cycle-by-Cycle curreΩ∑≈nt limiting, VDD over voltage protection>↑×₽ (OVP),FB over voltag÷> e protection,load short circuit protection✔∑" , VDD under voltage lockout (UVLO), OTP etc. ¶©∏δSP2637AF is offered in SOP8 packages.